God’s Got The Power Ministry was formed in 2020 by Evangelist Nigel Yarde from the conviction of three powerful verses in the Bible, Rom. 1:16 and Mat. 9:37-38. The message in these scriptures speaks of the power of God through the preaching of the gospel and the power of his love to come to man and offer him his salvation through Jesus Christ.

With an obedient heart Evangelist Yarde responded to carry out this great commission in a greater capacity, taking an example from the prophet Isaiah, “when the call went out, who will go for us and he replied, here am I send me” (Isa. 6:8). The main focus of this ministry is to win the lost for Jesus Christ.

God’s Got The Power Ministry is committed to its calling and purpose. This commitment will see us work tirelessly to attain our objectives through community activities and the use of social media. At GGTP Ministry our motto is, “Winning One Soul At A Time”. Being reminded by the scripture, “Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Tim. 4:2),” this keeps us aware of our charge which is paramount.

Our Overseer

Pastor/Evangelist – B. Nigel Yarde

From the age of sixteen he displayed a ‘gift from God’ and could be heard throughout the neighborhood engaged in spirited arguments. God would later take this gift and use in His kingdom.

Evangelist Nigel Yarde is the founder of God’s Got The Power Ministry conceptualized in the nineties. For over forty years, Evangelist Yarde has been preaching locally, regionally, and internationally at church revivals, out-door services, tent crusades, seminars, workshops and lectures. He has witnessed the power of God in healing, miracles, deliverance, salvation of souls and his blessing being poured out upon many.

He was the creator and host of two radio broadcasts entitled, God’s Got The Power and Taking A Stand. The broadcasts attracted great listenership and were very effective across the nation.

Evangelist Yarde has a love for people and is especially touched regarding ‘the lost’ and less fortunate. He considers himself as a servant to the community, the nation, and the world at large, serving them with the good news of salvation. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”Mark 16:15.

A song writer penned the words, “This is my desire to honor you, Lord with all my heart I worship you…” It is my desire and passion to share this wonderful message of salvation to everyone on planet earth. Nothing gives me more joy than telling people from all walks of life that Jesus loves them and he died for their sins and that He has the power to save them from their sins. Borrowing the words from the apostle Paul found in Rom. 10:1, his desire is not only that all Israel be saved but that all be saved. This is his daily driving-force, that people not only hear the gospel of Jesus Christ but that they receive him as their Lord and savior.

Our Vision

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Our Mission

Vision (Where you want GGTP to be in the next 1-3 years)